Lessons learned from MakeoverMonday 2021 Week 34

Vincent Ng
2 min readAug 26, 2021


The dataset of #MakeoverMonday Week 34 is about: Entry-Level Jobs on LinkedIn Requiring 3+ Years Of Experience.

This dataset is quite simple comparing with the past dataset. But, it’s still worth learning some tricks to strengthen your viz from Andy Kriebel~

We could make a bar chart, the bar chart is most appropriate to display the differences in the percentage of each industry that needs 3+ years of experience. We can create a 100-percent total bar chart to show the percentage accounted for requiring 3+ years of experience in each industry.

Lessons learned from Andy Kriebel on Youtube:

  1. Create a calculated field and name it as the remainder.
The calculation for the remainder

This step is important for you to show the remaining value. For example, if 43.8 % of jobs in the finance industry requiring 3+ years of experience. This remainder is used to calculate 1–0.438 = 0.562 (56.2%)

2. The default column header is at the bottom. In Tableau, there are no other settings to switch the header to the top (I guess). In this video, Andy Kriebel creates a calculated field: Column Header to fix this problem. It’s simple, just insert a “ ” and put the header you hope to display in the quotation mark. In this example, I put: Entry-level jobs on LinkedIn require 3+ years of experience.

The calculation for the column header

The above mentioned are the core tips I learned this week. For further details about the viz and ways to cope with other formats such as tooltip, label, color, you can refer to Andy Kriebel’s Youtube using this link.

This is my final viz about entry-level jobs on LinkedIn that require 3+ years of experience. You are welcome to follow my Tableau Public for more viz using this link. Please feel free to connect with me~



Vincent Ng

Talk about data (Tableau student ambassador), life, and book sharing.